Thank you, Trish. Your prose is wonderful. Still going through Kubler-Ross five stages. Swinging between stages 2,3, and 4, and then back to 1. And once in awhile, 5. and then back to 4. A friend shared the you tube lyrics of "Highwoman" and I played it over and over, as loudly as my little laptop could muster. I couldn't sing it without sobbing, reminding me that belting out the anti-war protest songs years ago as a teen helped me to release energies of rage and fear and betrayal-personal, and in the wider world. Today's post by Heather Cox-Richardson was telling in so many ways; I had thought that this time, more people would actually see and care about equanimity. But we didn't (WE being our country at large, because WE at large will all pay for this) The only thing we can do now, like you wrote, is continue to defend the vulnerable, and write the truth. And thank you, Trish for reminding me that there are more important things to do than wallow. So I'm done with that now. I'm not quite ready for equanimity, but I'll fake it 'til I make it. Again.

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Thank you for your truth, Nancy.

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There's no expiration on dreams. I love this so much. Thanks for the reminder. Good morning Trish.

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Morning ahhhh make that afternoon, appreciate your post TY

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yes: writing our truths is going to be essential <3

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TY JJ, grateful to write with you

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